Elizabeth Polland Art

Elizabeth Polland was referred to us through social media after she was looking to get a website built for her artwork to be sold online and make it easier on her to not only display her items but to keep track of inventory, shipping, and payment.
We first started on the design and the logo. She has a distinct signature she has on all of her artwork, and we were able to digitize it and make it into her logo. From there we categorized her items and setup the backend for commerce. Since the initial project, we manage her website and do seasonal updates. We have also designed her notecards and created a wholesale item sheet that she shares with local businesses that order her items.

Courtney is an absolute pleasure to work with. Her skills and knowledge in this area are mind blowing. I am so thankful for her expertise as well as her sweet personality. She is able to problem solve and explain things in a way that are easily understood. I highly recommend her and I know that anyone who uses her will be glad they did. I am so thankful to be able to call on her periodically as needed and she can fit me into her busy schedule. I am very thankful and appreciative for her wonderful work!
— Elizabeth Polland

Social Media Management, Newsletter Creation


Graphic Design